Advantages of regular performed strength training sessions are:
Preventative benefits:
- maintaining and improving physical performance and load on the active and passive body structures
- Minimizing risk of injuries in daily life, at work and in sportive activities
- Stabilizing the skeletal system; increasing the density and durability of tendons, ligaments and bones
- Prevention of back problems (back pain is currently the largest reported reason for sickness absence in the UK), postural dysbalances, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, muscular dysbalances, other complaints in the muscular skeletal system
- Compensation of decreasing strength in the aging body
- Compensation for sports with unilateral training (this prevents injuries and early degeneration processes)
- Maintainance of independance in older age
- Cardiovascular protective effects such as decrease in heart rate and lower cholesterol levels
Rehabilitation benefits:
- Quicker rehabilitation after occuring injuries or operations in the muscular skeletal system
- Minimisation or elimination of problems or loss of functionality
- Quick recovery of strength capacity after forced rest due to injury or illness
Increase in performance:
- Increase in strength
- Compensation of unspecific muscle groups in sports with unilateral strength requirements
Body Shaping:
- Increase of muscle mass
- Profiling of muscles and body shaping
- Decrease of body fat
- Increase in body weight when being under weight, decrease in body weight when over weight
Psychological effects:
- Increase in self-confidence and self-esteem
- Development of body awareness increase of body awareness
- Increase of mood (wellbeing)