The health and fitness industry is undergoing massive changes in its approach to health and wellbeing. In Europe it has started already a few years back and the movement of a more conscious and holistic approach to movement is now also reaching Australia´s fitness industry. Away from the “Bigger is better” goals of the bodybuilding area, the health and fitness industry and especially the Personal Training studios are now moving towards a more holistic approach to cater for the fitness needs of their clients.
This new, more holistic approach, incorporates functional training aspects from latest exercise research and trends (like suspension training, Crossfit training, interval training, maxxF and more), principles of Pilates for core stability and control of movement as well as aspects of ancient Yoga for relaxation. The aim is to increase the ability of the whole body to deal better with stress and environmental changes. This approach brings us much closer to full the definition of “fitness” which is:
3. The state of being suitably adapted to an environment
(source: “”)
This more holistic approach allows exercise professionals to make much more profound changes in the health and fitness of their clients as more aspects of all over health and wellbeing are covered.
For more information on the training philosophy of Mullum Fitness, please do not hesitate to contact us on 6684 1028 or